My life as a Mommy of 4 little boys

Sunday, October 4, 2009

End of the weekend

First Landon isn't sick, yay!!!!!!

This weekend was nice, pretty relaxing. Friday Gail and Ludwig came over to see us for a little bit. When Ludwig got out of the car, we were waiting outside for them, and Hayden ran up to the car and gave Ludwig a big hug, it was so sweet. For the rest of the evening they were all buddy buddy. Ludwig likes the boys of course but he's never really into them I guess you could say lol. He likes doing things with them, like he took them fishing and we go boating with them and all that...he's just not really a kid person. But Hayden was hanging around with him most of the night. We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and while waiting for a table they were eating peanuts and he kept helping him get them and he took him out the bench and was sitting with him helping him opening them. It was just cute. But we had a nice dinner with them, by the time we left it was 10pm and the boys were worn out! They passed out in the car almost right away.

Saturday we tried to stay home most of the day, the boys like just being home, we've been out almost every day of every weekend for a few months now. So we just hung out at home for awhile. Around 4pm we decided to go to Target to get a baby gate I saw first time ever to buy a baby gate, 3 kids in lol. Hayden's my little hellion, he's a total sweetheart but into everything, very spirited and strong willed lol. So I had to block off the kitchen. Well target didn't have it in stock but we did find the boys costumes!!! We already bought Landon a SWAT officer and Casen a firefighter costume, but I hated Landon's then I shrunk it on accident so too bad, had to get something else. He really wanted to be Darth Vadar so I gave him and got it for him and Hayden is baby Yoda. I do have to say they look really cute. It made me want to get Casen a Star Wars themed costume but he's just too damn cute in his fireman costume so we didn't. We then went to Sprouts, my all time favorite grocery store. Then to Home Depot and found an even better gate than the one I was looking for at Target so we got that instead. Then went grocery shopping. Got home around 9 and the boys went to straight to bed.

Then today, Sunday, the boys stayed home all day. After lunch I took Hayden and went to see Becky for a bit...poor Natty is sick, hoping she feels better soon!!! They are getting moved, I can't believe how quickly they got everything out of that house!! I can't wait to go see her new apartment! Then I took Hayden and went to Kroger to get Boar's Head meat...YUM! He was such an angel at the store, it's amazing the difference in any of them when it's just one out with you. I mean they are great kids and very well behaved (most of the time) anyways, but when they are all 3 together they tend to pick at each other and play off each other..but when they are by themselves they are just awesome. Hayden was great though. When we were at the deli counter they gave us a sample of the 2 meats and 1 cheese I got and Hayden would take pieces of it and I had some and when it got to the last piece he would take it and tear it in half and insist I had to have half of it :) So polite! We came home and played and hung out. I made a yummy roast for dinner then we had game night...played some more Monopoly. Then had some dance time and the boys went to bed.

We have been able to have our a/c off all weekend!!!!!!! LOVING this weather!! I hope it stays around...took fall long enough to arrive in Texas! This next week should be good, I think since it's cooled off so much I'm going to add a trip to the park daily before lunch then naps...give Casen and Hayden more to do. Tuesday Landon has his first field trip of the year, he's really excited. I wish I could go but no one to watch the other 2 and siblings can't come on this one...oh well maybe next time.

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