So we went to church this morning! First we had to sign the boys in to the kids program then they had someone walk us to each of their classes so we could find them. We dropped Casen off first and he didn't even say bye lol he was gone. Landon was really excited but a little nervous walking in but he was fine. Then we took Hayden to his class and they were playing with playdoh so he was excited, had no problems at all with us leaving him. Then they walked us over to where we needed to be. It was actually a really good service, I liked it a lot. And the Pastor was awesome! He was really funny and I just really enjoyed how he talked. Even Mark who said he used to always fall asleep and was a skeptic lol enjoyed it. During the service when they did the offering there were cards to fill out if you were new or for prayer requests so I filled one out for us and turned it in. After it was over we went and got the boys and they all LOVED it!! Casen earned 3 epic bucks...which is like fake money they can use in a store there to buy little toys, he's saving his for now though. We had picked Hayden up first and he colored us a picture and he told us he was really good lol. When we were picking up Landon I ran into Stacy, the one from baseball and photographer, and she was so happy we were there, we talked a minute then we all left. A little bit later she text us to tell us how happy she was to see us there and hoped to see us next week. Every other week her and her husband teach the kindergarten Sunday School class so next week they'll be in there and when I told Casen he was jumping up and down. Her husband is his 3rd base coach and he really likes him, and there son is his age and they get along really well.
We went out shopping and stuff and I totally forgot Landon had baseball...oops! But then I got home and checked my email and we had a message from the Pastor. He had recorded a video for us personally, talking about what I wrote on the card and welcoming us and saying how he hoped we were there next week and he would like to meet us after service if so. For a church of almost 4000 I thought that was awesome that he took time to make a video welcoming us to his church.
We plan to go back next week and on Oct 3rd is a new member dinner which we will go to, you have to do that and fill out a paper and be welcomed into the church to become a member. We will be doing all of that.
We went out shopping and stuff and I totally forgot Landon had baseball...oops! But then I got home and checked my email and we had a message from the Pastor. He had recorded a video for us personally, talking about what I wrote on the card and welcoming us and saying how he hoped we were there next week and he would like to meet us after service if so. For a church of almost 4000 I thought that was awesome that he took time to make a video welcoming us to his church.
We plan to go back next week and on Oct 3rd is a new member dinner which we will go to, you have to do that and fill out a paper and be welcomed into the church to become a member. We will be doing all of that.

All the boys have talked about all day is Sunday School. They loved the band they got to see and can not wait for next week! Landon even asked me to buy him a bible...which we will be doing this week