My life as a Mommy of 4 little boys

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back to School Shopping!

We have spent the day doing back to school shopping!  I love to shop so today was great haha.  The boys were good and we finished the day with a cookie at Great American Cookie Co and sitting outside to eat it...we only got to around 90 today, it was NICE! 

I set myself a budget this year, for the first time, and I'm proud to say I am still $100 under budget and barely need to get anything else!  I have heard so many times that it isn't worth buying "nice" clothes for kids because they grow out of them too fast that it's just not worth the money you spend.  Well, I will only put "nice" clothes on the boys....luckily my kids grow super slow lol...but even if not it's soooo worth it if you shop sales and use coupons!  I don't think we could have done any better if we had bought everything at Target.  I'm proud of all the sales we got, seriously some great deals so had to post of course!  I'm waiting on an order from Pumpkin Patch and then I'm going to put in an order to finish off the older boys at either 77 kids or PS kids...once it all gets here I think I might come back and add pics to this post, we got so much1!!  But for now I'll list it :)

So I set myself a $500 budget for clothes, not including shoes and not including grabbing each of them a pack of socks.  I'm at around $400 now this is what we've got so far.  Oh and I didn't budget for getting Preston anything, I didn't plan to get him anything until we got back to school stuff done but I just couldn't help myself so this is including his stuff and still under that budget!

Pumpkin Patch:
Hayden 2 shirts that are 2 layer ones, like a tshirt with plaid button up over it
Landon a shirt
Casen a shirt
Preston a pair of shorts, pr of jeans and 4 shirts

Children's Place:
Hayden 4 tshirts, button up and 2 polos
Landon 2 polos and a shirt
Casen 2 polos and 2 shirts
Preston a romper

Crazy 8:
Hayden 3 prs of plaid shorts 5 tshirt and 1 plaid shirt
Landon a pair of shorts, 2 shirts and a button up
Casen 3 shirts, 2 button up and a pair of jeans

Gymboree (my proudest buys lol, only spent $59 with tax...awesome for gymboree, they are usually expensive!)
Hayden 3 shirts
Landon 1 shirt
Casen 1 shirt
Preston 3 shirts and 2prs of socks

So total so far
Hayden 18 shirts, 3prs of shorts-going to get him one pair of jeans and his shoes
Casen 10 shirts and a pair of jeans-going to get him pr of shorts, few more shirts and shoes
Landon 9 shirts, pr of shorts- needs more shirts and shoes
Preston 7 shirts, pr of shorts, pr of jeans and romper

43 shirts
7 bottoms

$400!  Average of about $7.80 a piece...not bad at all, at least I don't think so!  I'm quite proud of myself haha.  And all good brands that will last many washes.

Oh and I also ordered Hayden's backpack and lunch box, a cute one from Skip Hop the elephant..he is so set on it, he can not wait for it to get here.  I got a package in the mail the other day and he came running to me when I was opening it and said "ooooh I know what that is!!!  It's my backpack!!"  haha poor kid he can't wait for it to get here.  So I finally got it ordered tonight, he's going to be thrilled when it gets here!

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