My life as a Mommy of 4 little boys

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another update on lunches

Man I've been so busy I haven't been updating at all!  I think I'll start doing one post on the weekend of the lunches from that past week.  We've been so busy between baseball and school and now church I barely have time to breathe.  But here are the lunches I've missed

Day 19 they bought lunch

Day 20
Chicken and dumplings
half of a pb&j on sandwich thin
white cheddar puffs
mash up
1/2 apple kiwi strawberry juice and 1/2 water to drink

Day 21
Graham crackers
Grammy SAmmy
white cheddar puffs
hard boiled eggs
water to drink

Day 22
Egg salad wrap
apples and carrots
white cheddar puffs
half apple kiwi strawberry juice and half water to drink

Day 23
Half of a Boar's Head everoast chicken and muenster cheese sandwich on potato bread
fruit salad
hard boiled egg
water to drink

Day 24
Same sandwich as above
white cheddar puffs
fruit salad
strawberry shortcake roll up
water to drink

Day 25
Ham and Cheddar crescent rolls
cherry yogurt covered pretzels
pomegranate seeds
water to drink

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