My life as a Mommy of 4 little boys

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I really can't believe it's already did that happen so fast? I remember in 2000 celebrating the New Year with my Aunt Gigi and my sister and friends we met there. Worried what was going to happen when it changed over to 2000 haha. Back then I was 13 and wow so much has changed. Since then I have had 3 wonderful little boys, met the love of my life and best friend in the entire world and many other small great things have happened. Some hard times too....loosing my dad in 2008 being the biggest. But overall as I look back over the past 10yrs it's been pretty great, I hope the next 10 measure up and surpass that.

This past year has been pretty tough. Nov 2007 Mark lost his job and things got bad, not with us but just money wise and stress. It took what seemed like forever for him to find a job. We had to move from Colorado, the one place we wanted to live the rest of our lives back to Texas. Move Landon out of his school and away from the first real friends he made on his own. But we made it through and we are a stronger family for it. Mark has a better job than he's ever had before and we are doing better than ever. I guess I can "thank" Kat for that...but I still better not ever run into her again. I hope this next year is much better than the past one!

We have alot to do this month coming up, we have a month exactly now to find a house, pack and move, which means moving Landon out of his school and away from these friends he's made. I hate that. But after that I hope everything else is wonderful! I have made a few resolutions for this year but I won't share them all, some are for just me. But here are a couple

1. To be a better Mom to my wonderful boys
2. Spend less time on the computer
3. Set a better schedule and get more done during the day, feel like I've accomplished more
4. Join a gym and start working out
5. Keep up with this blog more :)

That's all I'll share for now but I hope this time next year I'll be able to say I've done all of those things and much more. Here is to a wonderful 2010!!! Have a safe and happy new year!

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