My life as a Mommy of 4 little boys

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Working from home?!?!!!!

I'm loving Mark's job!!!!!!!!!! It was really tough at first, insanely long hours, a few nights even staying away the entire night! It was a really tough adjustment but it's gotten much better. His boss is wonderful. For all of Mark's hard work on the computer system they have put in place he decided to just let me have the macbook we got from him that we were going to pay off! Brand new macbook...FREE!!!! How amazing is that?

Then now he has suggested trying working from home until their new office is built...probably about 1 1/2mo. Tomorrow is the first day they are trying. I'm so excited about this, I really hope it works out. Right now we share a car so during the week I'm stuck at home, I'm going crazy being in these 4 walls....Casen and Hayden are bored, too. This will be much better for everyone involved. I will be able to start attending playdates again! Very exciting. It's the little things haha

Tomorrow is our first day, perfect day because it's story time at the library. Which falls great because our books are due...ok that's not fully true, they are OVERdue....oops. They were due Saturday.....shhhh don't tell. But we will go to story time and then check out some books...gotta check the playdate calendar, who knows maybe we'll go to a playdate too. Or maybe just go see Becky...gotta call her. Do need to go to the store...need toilet paper, don't let me forget

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