My life as a Mommy of 4 little boys

Saturday, December 31, 2011

7 months old!!!

Today PBJ, or P $ as his Aunt Dessa calls him, is 7 months old!!!  

His first year is going WAY too fast for my liking.  We don't know yet 100% if he's our last but I think he probably is so seeing everything go by so fast makes me really sad :(  

He is starting to really develop his personality.  He is very laid back, a total sweetheart he loves to give kisses and he's very quiet but always happy.  He reminds me a lot of Casen as a baby, he seems to just sit back and watch everything, just taking it in, learning.  He isn't in a hurry to get around, he's perfectly content to just stay put.  

This month we took his infant insert out of his car seat, he's finally big enough to sit without it!  He looks so small in his seat now.  He is now 16lbs 11oz which puts him about the 18th% so he has dropped quite a bit over the past month or 2.  I'm not sure how tall he is but he has a dr appt on the 9th so we'll find out then.  He's so much smaller than the other boys were at this age....Casen was 18lbs 10oz at 7mo, Hayden was 19lbs 8oz and Landon at 7.5mo was 21lbs 8oz (fatty!!! haha).  He has really slowed down and he isn't even mobile yet, the other boys didn't start thinning out like this until they got mobile.  I wonder if he's going to be tiny like Hayden was as a toddler?   Guess we'll see.  He is eating well, nursing great and seems content so I'm not worried.  

He has made a big change over the past 2 weeks with solids.  He absolutely LOVES to eat now!!!!  He especially likes table foods but he's a big fan of purees now too.  He is now having 2 meals a day with another of just table foods which he doesn't really eat a whole lot of, mostly just chews on.  The pic above was his first real table food, he went to lunch with Mark and I and we gave him a tortilla rolled up, he loved was gross when he was done with it lol.  His favorite thing seems to be mango, anything that has mango in it he eats tons of it.  I'm going to get some fresh mango (if it's in season?  Don't think it is actually) and see how he likes that too.  Maybe I can find it frozen?  I'll have to see...

He had blueberry pancakes with the boys the other morning

He tried pasta too which was a big hit too

He is taking a sippy cup now...well he likes it, he plays with it but doesn't really drink anything out of it yet.  We only offer water

He's sitting up pretty well now, doesn't fall too much anymore.  He does still lean a lot but he does hold himself up and can sit straight up for short periods of time.  He isn't trying to crawl yet but can arch his back up and push off his feet to scoot across his back.  But he does that when he's mad, not in an attempt to go anywhere.  Like I said, he isn't really interested in going anywhere yet.  He will see his developmental pediatrician in Feb and they wanted him sitting really well on his own for long periods of time, putting himself into a sitting position and then also going from sitting to a crawling position...he's nowhere near that but he does have a little over a month still.  If he isn't doing those things he'll probably start physical therapy.  

Separation anxiety has also started this month, he is big time attached to mommy.  In the pic above Mark was trying to give me a break and Preston knew I was behind him so that's his attempt to get to me lol.  He wants me all the time, which for the most part is ok but it can be a challenge sometimes because I have 3 other kids to tend to as well, but we are making do :)  

He is sleeping pretty well most nights.  He's now down to nursing 6-7 (sometimes 8) times in a day.  He does still wake 2-3x in the night to nurse but he's getting better and he naps really well during the day.  Usually 3 naps a day and each one 1.5-3hrs long.  So he's getting quite a bit of sleep.  He goes down to bed in his crib for naps and bedtime with no fuss most of the time.  If he's been with Mark and the boys or playing on his own right before naptime he sometimes gets upset...but if he has been cuddling with me he'll go right down no problem.  

I think that's it :)  I forgot to get his 7mo pics today but I'll do them tomorrow after church!

Friday, December 30, 2011

End of another year

As 2011 comes to an end I look back on all the things that happened this year, it has been one hell of a year but we survived and are a stronger family because of it.  So while some of it was hard, we made it through, and I wouldn't change any of it because it changed us for the better.

A few highlights, or the biggest highlight our little man Preston Blake being born in May <3  He will be 7mo old tomorrow!

  The end of his pregnancy was awful, his birth was nothing like I planned and after his birth was my worst fears come true.  But he is a strong baby, he is a fighter and he proved that to us and all of the doctors.  It gave me a whole new perspective on birth, parenting and what other NICU mommies have to go through.  I always felt for them, but until you've been through it you just can't understand the roller coaster that is the NICU.  It made Mark and I's relationship stronger and it definitely makes us treasure EVERY second with Preston, all 4 of them, even more.  We don't take for granted that we can just get pregnant easily (thankfully) and have healthy babies, it can happen to anyone and we are very lucky to have Preston and we won't forget that.  

This year also changed some relationships for all of us.  I have moved on, I have forgiven but I will never forget the words that were said and it has forever changed those relationships.   Always remember you can never take back the words you say, choose your words wisely.

Another relationship was changed, but for the better.  Dessa and I over this past year have become incredibly close.  I don't know how I went "without" her for so many years.  We weren't that close for awhile but over the past couple years, this year especially though, we have become very close.  And this year brought a very wanted pregnancy for her and Chris, a baby they've tried for for so long!  He will be here any day now and I can't wait to meet my first nephew <3

This year has also brought us closer to God in many ways.  We are attending church on a regular basis for the first time in our entire relationship.  We joined a small group, Landon went to summer camp with church and they have become involved with the kids side of church.  We love the church we have found and can't wait to grow more with them.  At times I wish we had done this sooner but I don't think we were ready before now, this is the perfect time in life for us, it's right and will only get better.

This year Hayden also started school for the first time!  

Casen started 1st grade!

And Landon started 3rd grade!

Our favorite kiwi came to visit from New Zealand!!!  That was definitely a huge highlight from this year!  It was a great visit, it was like we had known each other forever not like we had never met in person before.  Really hoping she gets to come back sometime next year and maybe one year we will finally make it over to NZ

 Some of my new year's resolutions:
To be a better mom..definitely my number 1.
To do more with the kids.
Lose weight...doesn't everyone have that one?

Hoping for more positives in 2012!  2012 will be mine and Mark's 10yr anniversary!!  

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Christmas has gone now but I wanted to show everything Elfis...our Elf on a Shelf....did this year!  Figured putting it all in one blog post would be better than updating with a new one each night.  

We didn't get him until the 3rd so that's when we started

This is where the boys decided to put him the first night.  We told them after the first night he would have Christmas magic from Santa and couldn't be touched by kids.  We did that so that we wouldn't be searching for him each night or have them fighting over him.  Hayden touched him after the first night and I said that I'd have to talk with Santa and see if he'd give us one more chance, luckily he did...none of them touched him again!  I really didn't think it'd work haha

Night of Dec 3rd, he toilet papered the tree!

Night of Dec 4th

Night of Dec 5th...he dusted the fan and then took a ride

Night of Dec 6th...making snow angels in some flour

Night of Dec 7th...drinking syrup

Night of Dec 8th..he hid the angel and got on top of the tree instead

Night of Dec 9th...he started putting a puzzle together

Night of Dec 10th...he tried to sell the baby!

Night of Dec 11th....driving the warthog around with one of the guys from Halo

Night of Dec 12th...dyed the milk green!

Night of Dec 13th...playing with legos

Night of Dec 14th...eating chocolate chips, had hershey's kisses wrappers all around him and a cup of hot cocoa

Night of Dec 15th...he made the boys some muffins for breakfast

The 16th and 17th the boys stayed the night with Grandma, when they came home on the 18th this is how they found him

Night of Dec 18th...he had this note by him, he had drawn on their faces while they slept. I  didn't get a pic of their faces because all 4 of them weren't feeling well that day and I just didn't even think about taking a pic of them until the afternoon and by then they had rubbed most of it off

Night of Dec 19th...dancing under the tree with the angel, Christmas music was playing too

Night of Dec 20th...resting up for a big night ahead..sleeping on Hayden's napmat for school

Night of Dec 21st...other toys have had enough of his mischief and tied him up!

Night of Dec 22nd...he colored a picture (in only Christmas colors and left them another note)

Night of Dec 23rd....he took a present from Santa's workshop early!  Hopefully Santa didn't mind!!

On the night of Dec 24th when Santa came he left with him.  The boys have been really sad, they miss him.  It was so much fun, I can't wait for next year.  Better start planning now, have a lot to live up to lol

What was your favorite thing he did?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Polaris Outlaw Quad Giveaway!

Awesome giveaway going on over at In The Know Mom!!!  She is giving one reader one of these awesome Polaris Outlaw Quads from Peg Perego!!  This is probably one of the best giveaways I've seen!!!

Winner gets to choose from the red above or this pink
You have until Dec 22nd at midnight  PST to enter!!  Good luck everyone!! Here is the link to the actual blog entry to enter

Thursday, December 15, 2011

He's been home for 6mo

I feel like every month we have 2 milestones to celebrate...Preston's birth and then the day he was able to come home from the hospital.  Six months ago today, we brought him home <3  So tonight I'm watching his slideshow of all the pics from his birth and NICU stay.  It's so hard to watch, the emotions are still so raw.  It certainly doesn't feel like 6mo.  Even though we have a healthy (for the most part) baby home with us now it's still so hard to think back to that time.  In 6mo he has been through so much, he has proven he is a fighter and one strong little man.  Despite it all he is such an amazing, happy, sweet, smart and loving little baby.  We feel so incredibly blessed every single day to have him with us.  I can't wait to celebrate his first Christmas with him.  He is one loved little baby.  His brothers still dote over him all the time, I thought the "new" would wear off after awhile and he'd be kinda boring to them until he could really play with them, but no, not at all.  Every day they fight over who gets to hold them.  Each of them has their own special time with him everyday.  

Hayden likes to play with him while he's in his swing or jumperoo.  He talks to him so sweetly, makes him laugh and has so much patience for him.  Casen likes to carry him off to the other room and they will watch tv together or he'll lay him on the floor and talk to him, rock him, cuddle with him...he is just so sweet.  And Landon, Landon is just an all around amazing big brother.  He is so nurturing, he will always help with him if I'm trying to do something and Preston needs attention.  He takes him off for their special time each day too and just plays with him.  Preston adores them all, he gives them kisses and hugs and loves when they carry him around.  

Preston is really starting to develop a personality.  He reminds me a lot of Casen, he seems to sit back and soak things in, he isn't in a rush to get moving.  He seems so smart, he learned very early how to give kisses, you just ask and he leans right in to give you a kiss.  He has known his name for quite some time too.  We have started signing with him, I think he'll pick it up really quickly.  He is sitting on his own pretty well now, he does lean quite a bit but is getting better and more stable each day.  

We all love that baby SO much!!

I've shared the video before but I want to share again <3  I think one reason it's so hard to watch is because behind all of the tubes I can see Preston in each one of those pictures.  Most babies change so much from newborn through those first few months that they really dont' even look the same, but he does.  It totally looks like he does now so it makes me even more sad to see that face I look at everyday laying there with all those tubes and bruises :(  

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hayden's Prayer

We've had a really nice weekend, again.  Love this time of year, so many things to do and just seems like everyone is in a better mood.  

Cutie hanging out with daddy on the couch

On Saturday, we just hung out with the boys at the house most of the day.  Well Landon and Casen had dress rehearsal from 1-4pm at church for the Little Drummer Boy show they put on this week...and will do again next week.  They had a lot of fun up there.  When they came home we hung out a little more, picked up the house some and then Dessa came over to watch all 4 of them while Mark and I went to a Christmas party with our small group from church.  

I made some chewy lemon snowdrop cookies (thanks pinterest) and they were SOOO good, going to make some more soon.  The boys loved them.  The Christmas party was fun, yummy food, fun games, it was nice hanging out with other adults and having a little break from the kids.  

Preston woke up way earlier than he "should" have though and was hungry and I felt really bad so I had some formula samples that I have put away for Dessa in case she needs them and I told her to make him a bottle to see if he'd take it.  He still refuses solids most of the time, he definitely would have refused while really hungry and mad.  So she did that and kept telling me how horrible she felt to be giving him formula...he had NEVER had any, even while in the hospital.  But strangely I felt ok with it.  I've learned to relax a little...ok a lot....and realize things like that don't REALLY matter and he will be just fine!!  Turns out he hated it and refused to drink any anyways lol.  She got him calmed down though and he was fine until we got home.  She was great with him though, I felt really bad that she was there with him and there was nothing she could do for him, but she really was great with him, really patient and he was fine.  

Then this morning we had to have the boys to church by 8:30am because they were performing during both services (9:30 and 11:30).  We didn't get to see the first service but were, of course, at the 2nd which is the one we usually go to.  The program was really good and the boys were so cute!  I think I loved just seeing them up there singing and really into that even more than the dancing.  Can't wait to see them again next week!!  I have a video that is currently uploading to facebook but it's 13min long so it's going to take awhile.  

After church Dessa came back to the house, she came back out today to go to their performance, and we had nachos that I had made the meat topping in the crock pot...they were really good!  Definitely one to make again!  (again, thanks Pinterest).  She hung out for awhile, scared the crap out of me having 3-4 contractions exactly 4min apart.  Stay put little Isaiah, 35wks is still too early!  3 more weeks and I'll allow you to be born!  

After she left we cleaned up the house a bit more and then decided to make gingerbread houses.  This year we bought a kit that was a little village that had 5 houses in it so we each made one and Preston just hung out with us.  The boys had a lot of fun, Casen's house fell house building skills are lacking.  But they turned out pretty good, going to put them up on the mantle until Christmas is over.  

Tonight I gave Preston oatmeal for the first time, I mixed it in with some apples and bananas...he actually really liked it.  I do wonder if there is something going on with his gag reflex though.  When he was younger he would gag on his pacis a lot, as he got a bit bigger he doesn't anymore but I did try to give him the 6mo+ mam ones and he gagged bad again.  It's like his gag reflex is really far forward?  But he gags on solids.  He kept gagging on the stuff tonight BUT he wanted it so I kept feeding him. I don't know if it's possible something caused by having that breathing tube in his throat?  Or just him?  If it's something he'll just have to work out and get over?  Either way I'll be bringing it up to his developmental pediatrician and regular pediatrician if he's still doing it by the time we see them next...or if it gets any worse I'll call.  

After that we watched a little bit of Home Alone 2 while dinner finished, ate and then put the boys in bed.  After putting them in bed I hear Hayden talking to himself and he said this:  "I love Jesus, Jesus loves me!  He is my best friend!  I want to kiss him on the wips (lips...and anyone who knows Hayden knows he is obsessed with kissing and always wants to kiss on the 'wips' lol so he was being sweet) all day long!  I love Jesus.  Amen."  it was the first time I've ever heard him saying anything like a prayer on his own, it was really cute (albeit a little disturbing wanting to kiss him all day long haha) but sweet just the same.  

Sunday, December 4, 2011

He sits!!!!!

Preston woke up about 45min after going to bed tonight, really congested and annoyed.  So he hung out with us for a bit.  He was in such a good mood after sitting up for awhile, not so congested after that.  He was giggly and playing <3

I sat on the floor with him and sat him up on the floor and he sat up!!!!!!!  ON HIS OWN!!!!  First time ever!!  He stayed upright for a few sec then would lean onto one hand or forward but he still supported himself for awhile!  He did so awesome!!  

Since he was in such a good mood I decided to put his Santa suit on him and take pics in front of the tree showing off his new "trick"

Big boy!!  6mo 4 days

I love his Santa outfit!

More sitting up

Even sick he's such a happy baby

Man, I love that baby!  I feel so blessed everyday to have my 4 amazing little men.  We have had such an awesome weekend and hope we will have a great week, too.  Hope you all have a wonderful week too!!!